Reuse your jars and make your laundry zero waste!

Here is my zero waste laundry routine. I buy Dr Bronner's castile soap from my bulk store. I dilute the solution to use as laundry detergent and stain remover.
Laundry detergent - 1:7 (castile soap: water) Stain remover - 1:5 (castile soap: water)
I store everything in upcycled jars!
Can I use this is a front loader machine? Or any other machine?
I have used this on 5 different top loader machines and have had no problems. The formulation is so gentle I don't think there will be any issues for front loaders or any other machines. I suggest you experiment and just give it a go! Try it with one load, check the filters and the machines, see how your clothes turn out and that will be your answer.
How much do you use per load?
I use one cup per load (250mL cup) for a heavy load. For lighter loads I use half a cup.
Can I use this for hard or soft water locations?
I have tested this out in various hard and soft water locations and have had no problems. For hard water, Dr Bronners (castile soap manufacturer) suggest using white vinegar in the rinse cycle to prevent build up of soap scum in the filters. The formulation is super gentle so I suggest you experiment and just give it a go! Try it with one load, check the filters and the machines, see how your clothes turn out and that will be your answer.
How big is the jar?
The jar I use is approximately 1 Litre. Therefore, I can get 4 cups of heavy loads from it or 8 cups of light loads. It takes me about 2 weeks to use it up and costs less than 30 cents a load. I live in a two person household with standard household washing.
As an Engineer, I always suggest to get out your problem-solving hats and just experiment! All my recipes are a result of successful experiments - please note, this formulation is so gentle there is no harm giving it a try yourself!

Hi Anita! How much laundry detergent do you use for one load of washing? And just to clarify you put this into your washing machine, or is it just for hand washing? Many thanks.