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Budget vs Investment - zero waste kitchen (part 1)

Writer: Anita VandykeAnita Vandyke

My Budget vs Investment posts on my Instagram page has been hugely popular, so I thought I would consolidate them into regular blog posts! Here are 5 simple zero waste swaps for the kitchen.

Zero waste spray bottles

1️⃣ BUDGET OPTION - use what you have! It’s tempting to rush out and buy everything new when you’re embarking on a zero waste life, but the most sustainable solution is to use what you already have. Spray bottles are worth keeping and reusing. Just refill with your favourite DIY cleaner. I like raiding recycling bins and rescuing spray bottles too.

2️⃣ INVESTMENT OPTION - invest in a glass spray bottle which you can reuse. If you find that your upcycled, spray bottles don’t work well then I suggest buying a glass spray bottle like this @cleaning_essentials one. I’ve had this one for YEARS and the great thing is that it has measured recipes printed on the side!

Zero waste scrubbers

1️⃣ BUDGET OPTION - use your old orange peels! @zerowaste.japan suggested this and it’s a great idea for scrubbing chopping boards, pots and pans. Just compost them once you’re done! 2️⃣ INVESTMENT OPTION - choose a wooden and plant based bristle brush! This one is made of entirely natural materials and no plastic whatsoever! It’s a great long-lasting brush that can be broken apart to be recycled or composted.

Zero waste cleaners

This is a great zero waste option for zero waste cleaners: 1️⃣ BUDGET OPTION - make your own all-purpose cleaner with citrus rinds and vinegar. Just leave soak citrus rinds in white vinegar for 3-4 days and dilute 1:1 with water. I love using it as a general all-purpose spray. 2️⃣ INVESTMENT OPTION - use castile soap! For hard to remove stains, I find diluting a solution of 1:10 castile soap: water works really effectively! Please note the bottle is made of recycled plastic (remember, we have to find a use for all the plastic that’s already been made) and I REFILL it from various bulk stores. Also, the palm oil used is sustainably sourced and they are leaders in transforming this industry. Another great tip is to also make your own liquid castile soap by grating a bar soap and diluting it in some boiling water.

Zero waste food storage

Here are two options for zero waste food storage: 1️⃣ BUDGET OPTION - just use a plate! This is a method my mum taught me. Cover your food with a plate. You just have to make sure the plate is slightly bigger the bowl you’re covering. So easy! 2️⃣ INVESTMENT OPTION - invest in some beeswax wraps. You can buy them or make them yourself! I got given these and they are great for small items. They are flexible and keep things fresh. No need for plastic cling to keep food fresh. Just choose one of these zero waste methods instead!

Zero waste food containers

Here are two options for zero waste food containers: 1️⃣ BUDGET OPTION - use a wide mouth jar for your food storage! I’ve reused an old honey jar. Other jars that are perfect for lunch containers include; coconut oil, pickle and sauerkraut jars. They have a wide mouth for easy eating! 2️⃣ INVESTMENT OPTION - if you’re like me and need to bring lots of food to work, why not invest in a stainless steel container such as this one from @thesourcebulkfoods. I love that it has two tiers, which is perfect for lunch and snacks. It’s a great investment if you don’t want to carry heavy jars around. As always, mindful consumption is what I encourage. Use what you have before invest in something new. Even better if you can source it secondhand first!


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